Monday, August 31, 2009

Halllucinating at Joshua Tree

All images by Michael Cooper, scanned by me except the first is from a Michael Cooper photography exhibition website.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


All photos scanned by me, courtesy of Michael Cooper

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The alchemy of the alliances

"It's really odd, the whole business. Keith and Anita, Mick and I. The magic, the alchemy of the alliances was very powerful and had an impact far beyond our little romances. I don't, obviously, know why. I've always been extremely wary of Kenneth Anger and the Tower and all the dark stuff. But there was definitely something very powerful psychically about my alliance with Mick. And it enhanced us both in a way that, in the end, almost destroyed me."
-Marianne Faithfull
(all images scanned by me)