Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mad Sexy

In late April when I was in New York City with my girfriend Lucie, my feet ailing from a broken shoe and miles of walking in it, we stopped for relief at a drugstore and there I saw...the May 2011 issue of W magazine featuring a stunning Ms. January Jones on the cover. W is a fashion mag that I used to subscribe to in high school, ridiculously and incomprehensibly (someone must have told me it was cool), as the magazine and its articles and all-around inspiration usually disappoints me. However, Ms. Jones never does (correction: her appearance never does; her Mad Men character, Betty Draper - now Betty Francis - went from profoundly sad to profoundly bitchy somewhere in season 2, which sucks, but anyway). I love these photos because it exemplifies the undeniable truth about her beauty: that it needs no color - she can be outfitted simply in black, and those burning cornflower blue eyes, creamy white skin and pale blonde hair do all the illustrating. Not to mention her enviable and worshippable body, which, like her face, always looks effortless, as if a creature that dream-like simply exists.

Of course, I identify more with Christina Hendricks's brand of beauty and sex appeal, all ample curves and redheaded ferocity (plus Joan Holloway is SO much cooler than Betty), but it's nice to recognize aesthetic perfection when you see it... and here it is.
all photos = my scans. and for the record, I am posting only as an attempt to distract myself from the painful truth that Amy Winehouse died yesterday, at 27 years of age, eerily like so many other great artists I admire. So forlorn about this.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Georgia Peach

When I was staying outside of London this winter (January to March), I was living, lavishly, in a hotel (seriously, it was amazing; every night after work, I had two glasses of vintage Veuve Clicquot at the hotel bar waiting for me, it was divine).  I've always loved all the "foreign" Vogues more than US Vogue, so I was quite pleased to find, while perusing the January 2011 British Vogue one evening whilst sipping my Champagne, a feature photoshoot starring Georgia May Jagger, the 19-year-old daughter of Mick and Jerry Hall (can ya tell?).  She is just stunning, so I had to scan the pages of said Vogue issue for you guys to see.  She is photographed with Dennis Hopper's son, 18-year-old Henry Hopper, as the male model. Enjoy...  And please credit if you re-post. It took me quite a while to scan these in large size and edit the little knicks out of each page with Elements.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

There's something about Bianca Jagger...

Next four photos courtesy of Viva magazine:
When Bianca was just an innocent young girl:
High fashion queen:
Next three photos taken by photog Norman Eales for Cosmopolitan, 1972 & 1974:
On tour, 1972:
Photo by Ron Galella:
With Liza and Jackie. Photo by Andy Warhol:
In Los Angeles with club owner, Rodney Bingenheimer (of Rodney Bingenheimer's English Disco):
All photos = my scans.