Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tits and ass with soul, baby

So, being the relatively young lass that I am and growing up not only in our media-saturated US of A but also in an affluent, image-obsessed town, I learned at an early age to appreciate the art of THE SKINNY GIRL; her long lines and peek of ribcage when she yawns, the bones in her back moving as she dances--the notion that there's something delicate about her, something breakable. Such vulnerability is difficult to deny, and I don't know about you, but I think vulnerability is kind of hot. So believe me, I get it. I get the appeal of that anorexic, hollow-eyed, underfed, cutglass cheekbones type of look. For many years (and sometimes now) I experience the wish that I was one of those girls, a model posing for Vogue, body bent forward to achieve some impossibly angular physique, a girl you look at and marvel how a person can be quite so weightless, so nobby kneed and fat-less thighed (and then how she can look like that when the camera supposedly adds ten pounds). It's very glamorous to be tall and gaunt. Clothes hang on you like they were designed to. You have a definite "one up" on the majority of the population, a superiority to those who blubber and smear grease all over their faces every meal, fat hanging off their jeans. Being skinny, I'd imagine, is pretty cool.

But as enchanted as I often am by the pages of fashion magazines or clips of runway shows on TV, having T&A is something I love and celebrate. The older I get and the more men I meet, I understand that my teenage thinking was faulty for one glaring reason: Being curvy is fucking HOT. If I was a man (and I often try to think like one just for shits and giggles), I think I'd much rather be grabbing the milky thighs of some bombshell rather than bruising myself on a hipbone. Granted, there's a fine line between being deliciously ripe and being rather fat and dumpy, but the women who fit in the former category--well, there's nothing like 'em. And I think that most guys probably agree. So, why not celebrate the godesses who defined the notion of 'sex appeal', whose angelic faces and traffic-stopping figures are never out of style? It's no surprise that the iconic images of Marilyn Monroe remain an international sensation, or that porno magazines that 12 year old boys steal from their daddy's drawer are always of busty babes with curves to spare, or that on the arm of the Jaggers and Tylers is usually a luscious, leggy pin up.

The sexual allure of a woman, you would think, would be that she is unlike a man--she curves in at the waist and out at the hips and has boobies and that ever sought after triangle of lust between her thighs. She's softer, rounder, and more delicate (smaller boned). That's the way the good Lord made some of us, and I'm over feeling badly about it. Luckily there are images like the ones above (of goddess Jayne Mansfield) to make a girl proud of her T&A. After all, even darling Keith just wanted his little rock n' roll, his tits and ass with soul...

In the words of Axl Rose, "Yowza".


  1. L, L, L. AMAZING, empowering blog. Seriously. (I've been reading these and I'm absolutely in love with your writing - of course).

    I, too, have been coming to terms with the fact that I'm never going to be one of those stick-thin gals that resemble a coat hanger. And it's absolutely OKAY. I like having T&A because, listen: those girls would KILL to have what we have.

    It's true.

    <3, E.

  2. Great pictures :)

    Shame I have a figure of a skinny boy :( the reason i cant get my hair vut short haha xxxx

  3. boooo stereotypes, yaaaayyyy T an A!

  4. You're so fantastic! Def. love being a woman :)

  5. lol, I second contrlfreq. ahah

    Great post by the way. I have always been a yo-yo dieter and I'd say about 5 years ago I reached my ideal weight and looked healthy and shapely but damn, when you have a high-maintenance body, going off track for any period of time and your body goes back to blah.

    I'm not fat by any means, I've lost the weight that I intended but without a strict diet/exercise plan for myself, I am now bordering on too skinny. lol, it's funny that you don't realize what you have til it's gone, which curves, gah! Working on it though. =p

  6. This can't really work, I believe like this.

  7. I love that you named this post after "Little T & A" since Patti Hansen, was always considered "fat" in the modeling world. Which is of course, totally ridiculous... what a babe! And yes, as we get older we realize that thin isn't "in" when it comes to the male species. Most that i know love a little meat on the bones. Not too skinny, not too chubby...soft like silly putty:)
