Thursday, July 30, 2009


I'll have to save a big Aerosmith post for some time soon, but look at all these wonderful photos of Tyler & Perry. Joe of course was the epitome of rock n' roll cool with his leathers and jeans, and Steven was THE rock sex symbol of '76. Just look at those catsuits! I especially love the first picture, an advertisement for their new album Rocks.

(All photos scanned by me from Creem and Circus magazines, 1976)


  1. You MUST blog on my boys soon!
    (do it for my birthday...cause you love me! :) )
    I did a little dance of joy looking at those pics.

  2. So amazing! Aerosmith was at the top of their game at that time, and I've always been wild about Joe Perry. Excellent post! xo.

  3. Hi guys the work you are doing with this site is excellent,it caught my eye,I think the site is full of good and interesting notes about Aerosmith,I would like to invite you to visit the page,I think that would be so useful for your health

  4. This topic was really educational and nicely written.
