Monday, September 28, 2009

Street Fighting Years

I received the large, hardback coffeetable book Street Fighting Years in the mail last week, and here are some of the scans from it (unfortunately, that's all of Marianne & Anita featured in the book). I am always shocked and horrified when big Rolling Stones anthology-type publications don't feature more of them. Especially Anita, as she was such a strong, dynamic and important presence on the band for almost 15 years. Marianne usually gets her due mention, but probably because she was somewhat of a "star" in her own right, and her relationship with Mick was much more publicized than Keith and Anita's. Certain books, like some of those published in the late 70's or the 80's, tend to focus more on Bianca and Jerry, because they were Jagger's then-wives, and the relationship with Marianne is often downplayed. But books published recently (and those in the early 70's, if you're lucky enough to find them), usually feature plenty of Ms. Faithfull (I suppose in retrospect, one can feature "all" the important girlfriends/wives of Mick with some distance). Some time soon I'll post my collection thus far of Stones books and some thoughts on each one, for any collectors out there, or those who, like me, devour those great pics of our favorite goddesses. One book I definitely do NOT recommend is "The Rolling Stones: A Pictorial History" by Marie Cahill (1990). ONE photo of Marianne in the whole damned book, and it's from her Broken English days. Total waste. Anyway, all of the above photos I've seen before (and you probably have too), but they make good, clean sccanned copies. I've been looking for the one of Marianne from TGOAM laying on the motorcycle in that lovely fur for quite a while, so I was happy about that. Enjoy!


  1. Awesome compilation! ( Loved your astute observations as well )

    You're in my favorites as I see many of the nuances you portray as a woman provide more insight into the band and the culture than the legions of primarily male writers that focus almost exclusively on the volatility and fury they created.

    I'm working with a group to do an all Stones event for next Fall. I'd -love- to get your input and feedback. At your leisure of course. Many thanks,

    Matt D

  2. Thanks, what a great compliment. I'd love to! Email me about it if you want.

  3. This topic was really educational and nicely written.
