Thursday, December 17, 2009

Going Bust

My favorite (in the sartorial sense) Mick and Marianne go to court day - May 29, 1969.  Dear God, what I would give for a snakeskin jacket like that! (Marianne must have loved that thing because she wore it to a Blind Faith show at Hyde Park as well).

"Mick and Marianne are arrested at their home in Chelsea on May 28, 1969.  They are charged with drug-related offenses but are released on bail and drive home.  Mick maintains that the 'substances' being consumed at the time of the police raid were cherries, toast, and honey."

All photos = my scans.  Copyright Associated Newspapers Archive.

1 comment:

  1. Yes gorgeous outfit on Marianne, I do believe it is an Ossie Clark piece, I'd kill for a snakeskin jacket like that!
