Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My idols - Anita and Marianne

Marianne and Anita during the filming of "One Plus One":
At a Stones concert, in May 1968:
They loved those feather boas (I personally consider them an essential part of any wardrobe):
Mick and Marianne through the years. 1966:
Australia, 1969:
Court, December 1969:
Court, January 1970:
Keith and Anita. 1967:
January 1971:
May 1971:
Court, 1973:
Faces show, 1974:
During the Rolling Stones Tour Of The Americas, 1975:
On tour, 1977:
One of the reasons I adore Marianne and Anita to the obsessive, fangirl degree that I do is that I feel that their legacy is so often overlooked, and there's a certain degree of injustice to that.  When they met Mick, Keith and the boys, they were so young, strong, vibrant and beautiful: Anita was a successful model, Marianne a pop singer, and they both had interests in acting, and were quite good at it.  But as the years went by, their careers stalled and they became adjuncts of Mick and Keith.  There's something tragic about that.  They had such influence over the Stones, taught and affected them and their greatest songs so much, and I think more people should know and respect that.  It's sad to see how much they changed in a few short years during their time in the rough world of the Stones.  Marianne in 1966 vs. 1969 is remarkable - in the former she seems positively glowing and in the latter, she was totally drained, anorexic, and addicted to drugs. Same with Anita, looking at her in 1969 vs. 1974.  However, they both persevered and are admirable and respectable women nowadays, having gotten clean and put their lives back together.  God bless them both.

all photos = my scans


  1. You know I love this one!
    Gorgeous photos - and some I'd never seen of Marianne before now!
    You rock, Leith!


  2. Leith! This is the first time I leave a comment on your blog, even though I've been reading it for quite some time now. I am really impressed by your pictures and how you are so passionate about finding them. It must be really difficult and cost a lot of money. And i am very glad that you show them here! Have you seen the Marianne Faithfull documentary on You Tube? If you haven't, here is first part:

  3. It is a very informative and useful post thanks it is good material to read this post increases my knowledge

  4. Anita and Marianne are so beautiful I'd like to live in that time because just look at them they wore so perfect I love the style they had.

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