Thursday, March 4, 2010

Elyssa Perry

Oh, Elyssa Perry!  Didn't Steven Tyler write the immortal lines of Sweet Emotion about her - "You talk about things and nobody cares"? Elyssa (born Elyssa Jerret) was one of the most notorious Aerosmith ladies of all time. She and Steven Tyler knew each other as kids when they lived in Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire.  She and Joe Perry (eventual boyfriend and husband) also met in Lake Sunapee, but a bit later, when they were in their teen years.  Joe was shy and mysterious (a pizza boy I think), and never dared approach elusive Elyssa, blonde and intimidating.  Elyssa was dating an English rock star named Joe Jammer, who was managed by Led Zep's Peter Grant, but his career went no where.  When Joe Perry wrote Elyssa in the early 70's and told her that Aerosmith was born and they had a record deal, she flew home across the Atlantic and took up with him.  Their affair was to be a long-lasting one (in the rock world, at least), and they fell so in love that they virtually alienated everyone else.  Elyssa was THE number one source of tension between Steven and Joe and was a huge catalyst for the band's break-up.  Not that this was her fault, of course, but the way that Joe acted around her, as if they were exclusive members to Club Cool, filled Steven and the rest of the band with rage.  I never thought Elyssa was terribly beautiful or anything, but Joe Perry certainly is, and I love these pictures, back in the glory days of the 1970's when they were Rock Scene royalty.

all photos = my scans


  1. Very cool! I've only seen a few photos of her in the past. But now I finally get to see what she looked like. Thanks! In some books, she is described as having been very beautiful, so I was a bit surprised by these photos. She's pretty, but not as stunning as I thought she was supposed to be.

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Hey J! I totally agree - she's OK, but I don't think she was this phenominal beauty (no Anita or Marianne - but who is?). <3

  3. Thanks for your post on Elyssa I just love her. I think she is stunning!! You do a great job on your blog Thanks again

  4. Amazing! I have been looking stuff of Elyssa from months you rocks!I also have blogs and tumblr, but right now my scanner died! So I have a few photos, please visit my tumblr and blog and take a look
    Rock on!!!
    Prudence Lennon ((ºLº))

  5. I like to know about this beautiful woman and Mick, but I hers that during this time she had a lot of lovers, I can't believe she betrayed him.

  6. "Elyssa Perry" is pretty beautiful, I like the style she wanted because she was really rebel and it get me crazy, I'd like that style coming again because women seemed so crazy.

  7. just finished steven tylers book and am curious about all the characters. of course i was one of the band followers in their hay day :) ... DE

  8. I remember every one of these photos from the 70's...I am a long time major Aerosmith/Joe Perry fan. Looking at them now, what a horrific toll the drugs were taking on them.

  9. Thank you! I didn't know they picked up on it until I saw your comment.

  10. neat pictures thanks. I am part way through Steven Tyler's book "Does the Noise In My Head Bother you" and am learning that Elyssa and Joe were very much in love. I see online today that they divorced in 1982. Just curious what split them up? Maybe it's in the book and I just havent read it yet.

  11. Hi there..Just wanted to add alittle bit to your blog ,whch I enjoyed very much. Joe Jammer was actually Chicago's guitarist, and even though some may not think that Elyssa was that glamorous, she was into high fashion and modeling over in England in the 70's.

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  13. I knew Elyssa in London (1969 - 1970). She was a model and totally stunning. None of the photos I've seen do her justice.

  14. I worked for Joe and Elyssa in the late 70's and these pictures do not do her justice at all. She was very beautiful and while many people said she was difficult to deal with, I found her to be a great person. She was very protective of Joe and if you slighted either Joe or her the wicked pissed off Mama Bear would come out and tear you a new a**hole. She always treated me with respect and I treated her and Joe the same. Years later we worked together at the Channel in Boston and she was the same nice, fun person I had known back in the day. I remember that when Joe would piss her off for some reason she would post Joe's unlisted home phone number on the ladies room wall for everyone to call (they were separated/divorced at the time).

  15. Thanks for the great photos ... Elyssa is cool beauty and Joe is a prince ... shame they fought so much but sometimes in love it just goes with the other thing ...btdt ... aerosmith fan for sure xx

  16. Can I just say that Joe Jammer, Elyssa's boyfriend she left for Joe's career did go somewhere, he became the guitarist with SuperTramp, Steelers Wheel (with Gerry Raferty)and also became Donna Summers guitarist in fact like Areosmith he's still gigging today !!

  17. any idea what Elyssa is doing now? remarried, career?

  18. Elyssa was an abusive woman, sources come from interviews, Joe's autobiography, and the band's.
