Sunday, March 28, 2010

She's Like A Rainbow

Some of my favorite color photos of Marianne Faithfull.  Most of my collection is black and white, but Marianne came in colors (as we know), so her beauty just sparkles even more in these.  She had such blue eyes, naturally silky blonde hair, creamy white skin, and usually dressed in bright, fun-loving colors.  Many of these pics are quite rare, and I have never seen them before purchasing the magazine or photo from which they were scanned, so I hope you enjoy them (but please don't repost/steal them without crediting my blog).
One of my favorites that I've ever seen of her:
When I got this magazine in the mail (it's an Australian mag), the cover was all creased like this, so apologies:
The stunner of San Remo:
The next three images are from an issue of Salut Les Copains, a leading French magazine from the '60s:
This is another favorite. Like, how gorgeous is she?!
All photos = my scans

P.S., I hope you guys aren't bored of the Marianne posts, because I'm not bored of posting them.  I have a lot more photos that I've never posted, because I'm waiting for the right time or to gather more pics in the collection.  But stay tuned...there will be more!  Plus, I need to do a post on Performance with Miz Pallenberg, so keep your eye out for that one. <3


  1. oh wow!
    I must admit i squealed with joy when i saw you'd posted up more marianne photos! Love them! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Dazzling ! I adore your blog, it's like archives of rock...
    Would you mind to tell me who is the photographer of the photo 18, i beg you, i'm in love with it !
    Please drop an eye or two on my blog :

  3. How can anyone ever get bored of looking at Marianne?so beautiful.
    I was wondering what magazines you bought to get these, I 'd love to look on Ebay for some so that I can frame some pictures. thank you xx

  4. Hello there! Venerande X--apologies, I do not know the photographer for that photo. Are you talking about the one with the reddish background, the 18th photo down? Irina-- I scanned these photos from all sorts of magazines. Some were just photos that I purchased on eBay. But the ones that were from magazines, issues of Madamoiselle Age Tendre, Rave magazine, and Salut Les Copains. What photo is your favorite?

  5. Yes, the reddish background, the 18th photo, ravishing photo and Faithfull, maybe you could have the kindness to verify in your mag, the name, please ?

  6. Gorgeous Photos Leith! I love love love Marianne and I never get tired of your postings on her.

  7. Lovely lovely marianne, just stunning! BUT I WANT MORE ANITA PHOTOS,please!!! im totally obsess about her! those are quite unique photos you have congrats!

    PS ur not a big fun of patti hansen right? no posts about her.. i know she is not nearly as cool as anita or marianne but she still is with keithh

  8. Hi Delilah! I do like Pattie, just haven't collected very much on her other than the photos that are in Stones books. I spend all my money on Marianne! I will post more Anita soon though - promise!

  9. Wow! Thanks so much for posting these. So many I have never seen before. I love Marianne so keep posting please! Thanks again!

  10. Love these beautiful pictures of Marianne, loved her beautiful voice in the beginning of her career. To bad she let herself be misled by a user such as Mick. She is still such a talented lady. She was strong enough to pull herself out of the vicious heroin addiction. Thanks for posting the pictures!❤️
