Thursday, April 8, 2010

Before The Poison

Hello everyone - another Marianne post! These are all from 1964-1966, "before the poison" so to speak.  Some of these are quite rare, taken mostly from magazines and photos I've purchased.  If you want a bigger version, email me and I'll send some to you.  Hope you enjoy. 
All photos = my scans.


  1. I really like the one with her in the wig(?) and the round sunglasses!! So cute, great post!


  2. Why, I've never seen a 'guitar' look quite that sexy before?

    I recall an interview w/ Ms. Faithfull and.., she was careful -not- to portray herself as a victim of drugs, or the Stones for that matter!

    She did what she did and owned up to it like a grown up. Still, and I'm no way advocationg drugs, people fail to realize that all the rewards for clean living ( come at the END of your life, where a nurse stops by twice daily to reposition your wheelchair into the sunlight! )

    People that still look 'fabulous' in their later years just love to have everyone focus on how good they look ( because they don't have much else to show for all that sacrifice? ) We all... know what became of Brian, Jimi and Janice, just wanted to share the flipside for a change?

    Matt D

    1. Great comment, it is so true she never had a feel sorry for me attitude. I remember when the drug raid happened my friends said they didn’t like her anymore because of it. I never understood that, that had nothing to do with her talent and beautiful voice, especially when she sang the older classic British folk songs❤️

  3. The guy is definitely right, and there's no question.

  4. This topic was really educational and nicely written.

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