Sunday, May 9, 2010

Faithfull Forever

Many thanks to Child of the Moon for editing this photo for me!
Thank you again for cleaning this up, Luna!
Some more Marianne. Enjoy!

all photos = my scans

Special thanks to Child of the Moon (Ms. Luna) for editing a couple of the above photos for me (they had big creases across the center).   Check out her amazing blog at:


  1. Hey!! I check your blog everyday! Absolutely love it... always an inspiration!!

    Personally I'm a big fan of Anita Pallenberg, love her attitude and amazing fashion style, my role model that's for sure. Please post more of her, and how she totally invented boho chic!! isn´t it??

    Rock on!!!

  2. Lovelovelove your blog! Thank you so much for all your effort, don't know HOW you find all these pics, but I'm really happy you share them :D


  3. It's mainly from buying old magazines online! Can be very hit or miss though! So glad you like it!

  4. Gorgeous Photos! I love Marianne photos in color. They are so beautiful.

  5. 请问:
    你是如何获得Marianne Faithfull那些高清的照片?


    you is how to get those hd photograph?

    Scanning to computer?

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