Wednesday, May 5, 2010

No sweeping exits, or offstage lines...

You've got to love their fondness for capes.
At the flat at Courtfield Road (Brian, Marianne, Mick in shadows):
I LOVE this photo, one of the most romantic I've ever seen of them:
Summer of '67, after the Redlands bust trial, at Brazier's:
Seeking enlightenment - going to see the Maharishi:
At a party, presumably for Alain and Marianne's film The Girl On A Motorcycle (Alain is far left):
After miscarrying:
Inside their home at Cheyene Walk:
Some The Girl On A Motorcycle set pics that I didn't post in a previous entry:
Seeing Blind Faith in Hyde Park. Marianne is wearing her infamous Ossie Clark snakeskin:
In the late 70's with Marianne and Jerry:
Some of my Mick and Marianne pics...

all photos = my scans


  1. This is such a fantastic post! Thank you so much for sharing all of these amazing pictures! I love your blog.

  2. This post is absolutely AMAZING! keep them coming please!

  3. when you see pictures like this, you can notice one thing, Mick have a incredible eye to choose women, I mean this women is beauty, well in fact all the rock singers been with beauty women.

  4. Mick Jagger seems so awkward in the pics with Alan Delon.

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