Saturday, July 17, 2010

Marianne - the Rock n' Roll Circus

Julian Lennon and Marianne:
So, I finally got around to doing the Marianne screen caps from The Rolling Stones' Rock N' Roll Circus (Dec 11, 1968).  She was SO gorgeous, even with that short haircut.  Marianne was stoned and nervous, miming the words to "Something Better" in her long, wine-colored gown.  I love during the end (when the Stones are singing "Salt Of The Earth") and Marianne is sitting in front of Mick - she keeps trying to hide from the camera and pull her floppy hat down to cover her face, but Mick won't have it. He teasingly pulls off her hat. It's a sweet moment.  The Rock N' Roll Circus happened right after Marianne miscarried her and Mick's child, so she was very fragile, and God only knows how upset she must have been.  I think she genuinely was trying to be out of sight.  Too bad Anita didn't star in the show, huh?! 

All photos = my screen caps

For the blog I did on The Rock N' Roll Circus in February (lots of pics), go here:

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fabulous Marianne

How gorgeous are these? I've been waiting to post them, since they're some of my favorites. All scanned by me from issues of FABULOUS magazine.  Enjoy!