Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Naughty Ms. Hall

Whenever I used to think of Jerry Hall, I thought of a refined, classy, almost austere woman, the former wife of Mick who lived in some faraway mansion and drank tea and wore Chanel No. 5 or something.  But as I started getting more in the Stones and their women (and collecting/scanning their photos), I realized that Jerry was once a fun-loving, slightly crazy 20-something model, running around Paris and the south of France, baring nipples and charming millionaires.  Here are some of those photos.
all photos = my scans from magazines and Stones books (from what I remember, some of the mags were: Celebrity Sleuth, Interview, People)


  1. Wow, I love some of those pics. Especially the lace catsuit thing. I'd never associate that sort of thing with Jerry Hall :)

  2. Leith

    Your blog is incredible! All these great Stones photos I've never seen... I feel like a kid in a sweet-shop!!!
    I do a lot of artwork too, and I specialise in Keef pictures, plus occasional ones of the other guys. If you'd like to see any of my pictures (black & white ink, mainly), and if you'd like to post any, you'd be more than welcome. I ain't interested in financial gain, I just love Keef (have done for 25 years) and the Stones (ditto), and if they'd be any good to you, you can have 'em! Let me know. Meantime, great work - you are a positive mine of great Stones pics!!!

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