Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Marilyn Monroe

The other day, a friend and I were discussing the phenomenon of Ms. Norma Jean.  She was saying how she didn't really buy in to Marilyn's sex goddess status, and that she didn't find her all that gorgeous.  I disagree.  I find her to be the epitome of femininity and grace, and the archetype of the tragic heroine; as a Gemini, she obviously straddled many different roles with ease - pin up, recluse, bombastic blonde, misunderstood star, bodacious, brilliant, and ultimately alone.  Here are some of the photos I've scanned of her.  Hope you enjoy them.  As always, please credit if you re-post.  All photos scanned from Vanity Fair, Celebrity Skin, and the book "Too Young To Die".


  1. Love your posts as always :)
    Happy to see Marilyn here ♥

  2. Loved your post, totally agree.

  3. she's an icon & she had a bit of a pot belly. we need to bring that back!

  4. Besides the extensive and really wonderful photos you've archived here, I just wanted to both thank you and say that it is so refreshing to read your commentary...

    It is rare that someone puts so much time and effort into their passions for others to enjoy, but even rarer these days that that someone is able to effectively communicate those passions as well and as professionally as you have.

    Thank you so very much...

  5. Oh thanks for posting Marilyn. I so agree with you - she's the epitome of grace and glamour. I love how she was both vulnerable and sexual at the same time.

  6. Great photos! one thing I'm a little confused about...you ask people to credit you, and this site, but you don't credit the actual photographers whose work you're posting, which seems a bit disrespectful.

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