Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy 64th birthday, Marianne!!

Marianne (fifth from left) with Donovan:

A shot of Marianne from the Rock n' Roll Circus, December '68:

Marianne around age 15! Acting in a play:
 Happy 64th birthday, Marianne Faithfull! Please do not repost these photos without credit.  Thanks.
all photos = my scans


  1. Great post - it really made my day. :-)

    Your blog is great - truly one of the kind. I know of a lot of people who enjoy your blog and recommend it in posts on various forums.

    You will always get scum who think that stealing other people's work is okay, but please don't let that stop you from continuing with your blog.

    2010 was a rough year; your blog was a little ray of light amidst all the darkness.
    Thanks for everything and I hope you have a great 2011.

  2. I love this blog too!
    I used photo's from here once before but I credited you, because you ask, but also because I want people to go check out your blog. It's truly one of my favorites.
    2010 was bad for me too, and these stylin' 60's pictures helped in some way:)
    I'm happy Marianne is still alive and kickin'. She's tough as nails and still looks great.

  3. Hi ladies! Thank you for the comments! I agree - 2010 has been a shitty year. I hope that 2011 is better for all of us, especially you, Anonymous. Your comment was so sweet, and thank you.

    Jess, thanks for crediting me; you know you can use my photos any time you want.

  4. I thought you might make a Marianne post today. :) Some beautiful photos there I haven't seen yet. Thank you for sharing. As you know I post your photos on Faithfull Forever from time time but of course with a link back! Scanning and editing takes sooo much time. All the best for you in 2011, xo Maggie

  5. Oh and I think is mirrored! x

  6. As a matter of fact, yes I got "Life" for Christmas and have been nothing but enjoying it from the first page!

    OK, so 2010 has been a genuine turd. No arguing that. But when you're a Stones fan, you just take the good w/ the bad, just like the band themselves. Comes w/ the turf.

    Enough 'pep talk' ( YEAH it was a cr@ppy year! ) And I agree, Leith's Blog made it all a little less unbearable?

    Keith talks about his first love, his first GF 'really', Haleema. An Indian girl. He called her 'Lee'. He talked about their first moments together and shared that 'they' can be more intense and inspiring ( then whatever comes after ) and in that telling, I think we can all reconnect w/ our youth. It's never too late to eschew debauchery and find your innocence.

    Much as Marianne and our wishing her another 'teen' birthday!

    Matt D

  7. This topic was really educational and nicely written.

  8. I worked for Marianne during 1965 and 1969 and have alot of great photo's we are still in touch. In faqce right now she is in India for a month.

  9. I worked for Marianne from 1965 until 1970 and have so many photo's She came to my wedding and I went to hers to John. We are still in touch. She is in India for a month right now

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