Sunday, January 9, 2011

Broken English: Marianne Faithfull Mach II

Here are some of my photos of Marianne in the mid seventies to early eighties. She was still on the junk, but no longer living on the wall, and beginning to record again, her creativity especially ignited when she met future husband Ben Brierly and with him wrote her triumphant comeback album, Broken English.  No longer the virginal convent schoolgirl of 1964, or the golden bohemian goddess on Jagger's arm, Marianne faded into obscurity for a few years before re-emerging as a slightly disheveled punk rock, kohl-eyed queen with a whiskey and cigarettes voice.

all photos = my scans. Please credit if you repost. Some time soon, I will do a post on Marianne in the '69-'74 era, when she was homeless, heroin-addled, and utterly heartbreaking.


  1. first: I love you blog thank you. Second: Mary Ann grew old gracefully. None of this botox me until I look like a cyborg gaarbage(cough CHER cough) She always looked her age but she look gorgeous.

  2. Hi Leith, I adore this post because I don't think I've seen any of these photos. Got anything from the late 80s or 90s or so you could share with me to post on my Marianne blog? Would glady advertise your blog in the process. :) Rock on. x Maggie

  3. Wow she still has a prettiness to her, but she looksquite a bit older in such a short time.
    She's been through much thought that considering that I think she looks awesome.
    I have a soft spot for Marianne's Broken English era.

  4. Thanks for the fab pictures, love your blog.

  5. She is so amazing! Thanks for sharing these pictures!


  6. these photos are truly stunning! lovely

  7. In her autobiography she mentions that right before Rich Kids Blues was recorded she went to detox at a clinic and had her two front teeth punched out by a male nurse 2when she was caught with smuggled drugs. "Even people that worked with me everyday still saw me as that glittering chick...i was missing my two front teeth." I've never seen any pictures of her like this and I guess she must have gotten veneers or something later on but have you ever seen any of her without two front teeth?

  8. Well lover of all things 60s where are the pics of brian Jones? He was the soul of the Stones and the real instigator of hip 60s fashions.
    Anita Pallenberg was (is) a Nazi sympathizer and idolizing her is stupid.
    Try Reading Spanish Tony's book sometime.

  9. I don't like all the picture but she looks great in some of them.

  10. Marianne was still beautiful after and during ALL those drugs, wow. I just read her autobiography, and she's such a survivor :) I love this period, when she got a second break of fame.
    I humbly adore your blog, as always!

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