Saturday, October 29, 2011

Max's Kansas City, Part II

Sorry I haven't posted a new entry in a while. I feel like my psychic energy has been sucked up by too many sources (that probably makes no sense, I realize).  Anyway, here are some more photos I've scanned of some of our favourite and fabled '70's New York City glam casualties practicing their "wretched excess in dandiful duds" at Max's Kansas City...
Back room characters:
The Stooges rocking the house:
David Johansen of the Dolls and Wayne/Jayne County:
The two Davids (Johansen and Bowie), Max's regulars in 1972-73. They were both involved with Cyrinda Foxe around this time (although poor David Jo wound up marrying her):
A rather angelic-looking Johnny Thunders:
David pulling pranks on Dee Dee:
Candy Darling, the most glamorous of the drag queens:
Johnny Thunders (third from left) with some of the usual suspects:
Cherry Vanilla, Leee Black Childers and Jackie Curtis:
Amanda Lear:
Nico and Eric Emerson:
L-R:  Nico, Arthur Killer Kane with Ari Boulon on his shoulders, Shep Gordon and Alice Cooper):
Some of the girls (Patti Smith is far left):
William Borroughs with Patti:
Patti's bff, the beautiful photographer, Robert Mapplethorpe:
Tony Pink and Gerard Malanga:
Lou, so young and sweet:
Ms. B, glam as usual:
Dee Dee and Vera Ramone (left) and Lenny Kaye (right):
Andy and Nico:
Lou and friends:
Mary Woronov:
Liz Derringer and Geraldine Smith:
Johnny Winter:
Tom Waits:
Debbie Harry:
Good friends Angie Bowie and Cyrinda Foxe. At the time, Cyrinda was fucking David far more than his wife was:
Cyrinda when the Stooges played their homecoming show at Max's:
Cyrinda and David, Max's Power Couple:
Steven Tyler:
Sable Starr:
Sable and others at the Max's Christmas Party, 1975. At the time she was dating the gorgeous Richard Hell, who was rocking his usual sunglasse (it's amazing how many people were wearing sunglasses, actually. This was right after Richard was in the Heartbreakers with Johnny Thunders, Sable's ex):
Photo Credits:
1, 2, 4, 12, 34, 43, 69-72 - Bob Gruen
3, 8, 9, 39 - Danny Fields
5-7, 11, 14-18, 23, 24, 27-29, 31, 32, 28, 41, 42, 46-48, 50, 58, 61, 64 - Anton Perich
10, 19-21, 25, 33, 49, 59, 60, 62,63, 65, 67, 68 - Leee Black Childers
13, 55 - Ebet Roberts
22 - Jim Lalumia
26 - Raeanne Rubenstein
30, 44 - Billy Name
35, 56 - Maria Resnick
40 - Dustin Pittman
51-52 - Lily Hou
53 - Nicky L
54 - Chuck Pulin
66 - Oliviero Toscani


  1. I have returned to your blog after a long absence due to drugs. This is so cool, you must be as well.

  2. Great to see you back! I was beginning to lose hope ;-)

  3. Aww, thank you both (I assume you are two different people)!! That's so nice to hear! Makes me want to keep going!

  4. I just have to say I love you blog! Also,the picture that says "Edgar Winter" is actually Johnny Winter!

  5. Thank you for the correction!!! I just changed it! And thanks for the compliment!

  6. Great pics as usual. I suppose Amanda Lear is the only one who looks out of place! Missed your regular injection of Marianne pics.

  7. Max's! Love your blog!

  8. I've never seen most of these pictures!!!Thank you so much!! this is one of my favorite rock scene ever...thank you!thank you! (especially for my beloved Iggy.)

  9. Quite useful info, thank you for the article.

  10. Love Anita and Marianne! Great blog.

    I've just started my own:

  11. Just came across the site. Amazing amount of work and great taste! Never seen most of the Ferry/Hall pix before and wondering where they are from? Check out the aussie "Mother of Rock" doco on Lillian Roxon for another take of Nico at Max's - not so nice (or the book bio). How about a post of Francoise Hardy/Jacques Dutronc photos?

  12. Hey, I've been looking at your site for a little while. And i just love the pictures and really, I guess, like your take on it. I started getting into Stones and what not maybe a 2 years ago. Before that I was aware, but not much else. My ex's mom turned me onto them and I just fell in love. Apparently her husband used to make clothes for them and she was in that scene and all that hoopla. And after knowing her for awhile I can see that she really does embody that fun loving all about music and sex and drugs and just doing what you want attitude. There's a lot more to it, of course, but that's a diff story. And the Stones will always remind me of her and that's i guess that's part of the appeal for me. Anyhoooooooooooooow, sorry if this long winded. Again kudos on the site, its great and you're a hottie. So that's even better!

  13. Thanks so much for all the lovely comments! I'm so glad there are other fans out there. :)

    I have many more pics that I've scanned to my archive recently of the Velvets and other Max's characters, so I'll be posting those at some point.

    Xoxoxo Happy New Year to all!

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