Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm in love with my car

Well, actually, I do love my Volvo, but this post pertains to the curious fact that I seem to be most photogenic (and perhaps vain) whilst driving. I do not encourage said practice for it is most certainly unsafe, but it seems to work for me. Perhaps I photograph well in the car because it is the place I feel most at home. Words cannot possibly do justice the elation I feel when driving on a brilliant spring day, sunroof open, windows down, AC blowing ever so slightly, a chilled bottle of Evian at my side and I'm all alone blasting a Stones record. I've always mused that all I need to be happy is a full tank of gas and my CD collection. It's not so far from the truth.



  1. You're beautiful lady. Really. stunning. love your locks and your gorgeous eyes.


  2. Haha your so funny these pics are beut x

  3. I feel that we were always our very best in Lesley.

  4. I love strawberry blondes!

  5. Wow! Your eyes are amazing, may I ask what mascara you use? :)

  6. let me know if you need atravel companion to the south of france. i need a vacation .

  7. Oh, you should drive safely, though. You divide your attention when you drive while taking a picture. But it really looks like you're comfortable inside your car. And I have to admit, you're stunning as well. Drive safely and post more of your photos!

  8. Mm-hm, yeah, driving is quite awesome. You can say that the appeal of road trips is found in that feeling of adventure as you and your car move forward to new roads and new sights. Even a short drive on a good day is a fun experience. P.S. You look lovely, by the way!
