In the late sixties, Uschi Obermaier was one of the sexiest women alive. She rarely smiled; instead, she would pose, mouth agape, so we could savor those luscious lips and big, fierce teeth. Uschi Obermaier is probably the prettiest Stones Goddess outside Anita and Marianne (they were the zenith blend of classy, sassy, and gorgeous), and hardly anyone knows about her. Born in Munich, Germany on September 24, 1946, Uschi's career began when the magazine twen featured her on the front cover. Her dark, cascading locks, deep tanned skin, and incredible mouth--not to mention bod--led her to many modeling jobs, although she was petite and quite thin. Uschi was the first female model to expose frontal nudity on the cover of a magazine, and she was actually quite revolutionary for so special and lesser-known a celebrity.
Uschi is credited not only as "the most famous German groupie", but also for advocating the sexual revolution with then-boyfriend Rainer Langhan. I love photos of the two of them together because she is so young, fresh and utterly gorgeous, and he's this grisly, artsy-looking fellow. Anyway, the pair moved into the Kommune 1 in Munich and many German commentators have said that Uschi and Rainer directly influenced the likes of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, who advocated liberal views of love and nudity in the early '70s. There were quite a few photos taken of Uschi topless and smoking marijuana during this time, and they were published in magazines. It makes for quite a striking image actually; this tiny, gorgeous creature with to-die-for lips and a tassle of voluminous hair--possessing an innocence that at times is almost childlike--her hands holding a fat joint.
I first heard of Uschi about three years ago when I read Victor Bockris' biography on Keith Richards. They dated in the 1970s, (she went on tour with the Stones in '75) and she is said to have also had affairs with Mick Jagger and Jimi Hendrix. Today she lives in Topanga Canyon and designs jewelry.
Uschi, I salute you!
OMG shes incredable, im going back to look again!
have a good weekend x
Gorgeous photos. I didn't really know much about her either - only references to her in Stones books. Keith had impeccable taste in women didn't he. She's gorgeous. Are the images from several sources or is there an Uschi bio? I'm being lazy I could google it but felt like commenting! Also do you know the name of the mag she appeared full frontal on that you make reference to? Great blog. I'm a Gemini too - power to the twins ;)
kommune 1 was in berlin.
Great selection of pics which brought up some memories:
The "Kommune 1" with Rainer Langhans and Fritz Teufel moved later to Munich. Uschi started first a relationship first with Mick, the move towards Keith came later. All her relationships ran parallel, easily interchangeable (Read her book!). I first met Uschi as DJ at Munich's "Why Not" during the late '60s and early '70s. Later, in the mid '70s, Keith & Mick invited me to the Musicland Studios in Munich where they were cutting LPs. I drove at the end of their visit Keith in my Benz from the Munich Hilton to the concert in Munich's Olympic Hall.
She's fascinating isn't she? Only learnt about her last night whilst watching a german movie on tv called "Eight Miles High"(Das Wilde Leben)2007. You might want to check it out if you haven't already.
She is gogeous and fascinating! Found her via some stuff I was looking up from Peter Green (from Fleetwood Mac...)
Oh, and to add, a good attitude to life to boot!
Hey ;)
I am german as well and i really like ypur posts and the pictures cause she is my role model...not the groupie thing but she also did a lot for the development of the women role in world...well but what i have to say is that the komune 1 was in berlin, not in munich ;)and the guy's ´name was rainer LanghanS but well done it's great that seh is remembered all overt he world i hope you've seen the movie about her its awsome!
Considering she was the cnut who killed Peter Green, complete with Rainer Langschwanz being so callous as to actually say they weren't really interested in PG, just wanted to get him to contact Mick Taylor, I don't really think all that much of her.
She was a bit of a looker back then, but the fact that she's now old, wrinkly and desiccated, designing crappy jewelry for a living is a bit of poetic justice.
Cool! I recall her from up and down with the Rolling Stones! Same Uschi, correct?
Amy Sheleta Secunda or Madelaine D'Arcy photos?
This topic was really educational and nicely written.
I find her disgusting. Destroying people's lives via drugs? Nothing to salute.
Love Uschi O & only learned about her whilst watching 8 Miles High. I've read it captures the essence of her life very well & that Uschi loved it. I know I loved it. What an interesting woman, as well as beautiful. G117
What a life! Loved 8 Miles High. I was pleasantly surprised 2 actually see real photos of Uschi, she is gorgeous & the actress they picked was a perfect fit. I've got 2 check out her jewelry.
Das Wilde Leben aka Eight Miles High was a great movie. I think Uschi is Uber cool, she;s no Anita Berber as far as an artist or innovator. Then again, Anita lived her life and was done by 29 after years of hard core abuse. I don't really consider Uschi a "groupie" she did not have to try, they came to her.
Oh sooooooo not true that Uschi is some obscure Stones groupie. She is well known in the Fatherland as well as among all U.S. college hockey aficionados. You see the best online source for college hockey is United States College Hockey Online (i.e. USCHO.com) and on a typical keyboard the letter "O" is right next to the letter "I". So when you are in a rush to know if say Northern Michigan beat St. Cloud State and you are not paying attention you sometimes do a Google search for "USCHI" and you get some 1960's hippie hag instead of your hockey score!
I met Uschi in cabo 1980. I had the pleasure of being her companion and driver . I finally taught her to drive on the beaches in cabo .Uschi and Dieter influenced my future immensely. she's an incredible woman . extremely easy on the eyes .we remain close friends for ever . I,am so lucky . MIKEE HAYES .
Terribly sad to learn in Keef's book that as by chance they were reunited in Cabo San Lucas as Keef got married to Patty, Utschi's husband died in a motorcycle wreck. I bet Keef's wedding was RUINED.
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