Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Every picture tells a story

Chris Jagger, Bianca and Mick:
Another court appearance; June 23, 1969:
Marianne with Jack Cardiff during the filming of TGOAM:
December 5, 1968, Mick and Marianne out on the town for the premiere of Hair. It was the couple's first public appearance since her November 20 miscarriage:
At the premiere of Performance, 1970. Taken from an issue of Creem magazine, 1974;
So, I have begun to scan photos from some of the Stones books I've collected. It's the most fun when I discover a photo I've never seen before, like this last one of Anita and Marianne in the studio where the Stones are recording "Sympathy For The Devil". I've caught a few stills from One Plus One, but you can only see their backs in that one. More to come, a bit disheartened right now as some of my favorite blog entries have been deleted. Click on each image - they're huge!


  1. You do the Stones (& cohorts) so much justice! Especially the ever-intriguing Anita and Marianne. I suppose you have the book "The Rolling Stones 365 Days" or something or the sort; it's fantastic! I got it from the library and ended up ripping out a few photos to put on my wall.

  2. Hey girl! Yeah, I love that book. They are selling it at most Barnes & Noble booksellers for $9.95 in recent months, so I scooped up an extra two just for tearing-out-to-put-on-wall purposes! xx

  3. they all had amazing girlfriends. "performance" is definitely one of my favorite movies with anita and mick in all their glory. love your blog.

  4. How did I know you would love that song? ;)

    These photos are especially wonderful. Coolest fucking set of people ever xox

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  6. Nice pictures, I don't to be famous and less these days there's a lot of crazy people on the street and I know who said this is not life.
    Well I don't know I just like to live in peace.

  7. This topic was really educational and nicely written.
