Sunday, July 12, 2009

What bust?

January 26, 1970:

December 18 (Keith's birthday), 1969:

June 23, 1969:

May 28, 1969:

As costly and reputation-depleting as being busted for the possession of drugs may have been, you wouldn't know so from checking out the photos of the accused arriving at court. The Marlborough Magistrates Court may as well have been a fashion show, with tailored suits, scarves, snakeskin, and smiles on display. Just another reason to love the sixties.
(corbis, Jamd, Google, Dreaming My Dreams, my scans from The Beatles: Unseen Archives and The Rolling Stones: Unseen Archives, Yahoo groups)


  1. they sure are both inspiracional, and I love the personal style of Marianne

  2. I admire the way he smiles and is so composed in these photos.

  3. I like fashion but the way they wore at that time was perfect it's for that reason I wanna wear like Mick and his girlfriend.

  4. This topic was really educational and nicely written.
