Marianne backstage during opening night of "The Three Sisters":

The Girl On A Motorcycle:

Marianne's young life may have featured a lot of "lead guitars and movie stars" (perhaps "lead singers" is more accurate), but when she first became Mick's S.O., Miss Mari was on the verge of a budding film and acting career in addition to her pop stardom. It's such a shame that her career completely took a back seat to Mick, the grandiosity and overwhelmingness of the Stones, and, of course, to drugs. Many people forget that she was quite a talented actress. Not that you'd know that from the cheesy, sexploitation roles she took in films like I'll Never Forget What's 'Is Name (1967 - notable for the fact that Marianne got the honor of being the first person to say the word "fuck" in a mainstream movie) and The Girl On A Motorcycle (1968). Featured here are my scans and stills from those two movies, plus Marianne in Chekhov's The Three Sisters, where she performed at the Royal Court in London in 1967. Mick always came to the show's second act if he couldn't make the whole play, and got her flowers and even an orange tree for her tiny dressing room on opening night (a sweet gesture that annoyed her co-stars who had to share the space). All photos = my scans or screen caps.