Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Please stop stealing pictures whoever you are

I was looking at The Fashion Spot just now and I realized that there are two sites on some place called Tumblr that routinely take the Marianne and Anita photos from my page and pretend they're her's (I can only assume that a girl owns both pages).  These sites are: and  If you want to post my photos on your page, fine, but at least say where they came from. Jesus! I've spent tons of money and time buying and scanning this stuff, and I know that a lot of the Marianne pictures aren't going to be found anywhere else on the net.  I used to post some Anita pictures from the Multiply site, which is the most thorough page of Anita I've EVER seen, and the owner of that place had them taken down.  Now, I totally understand how she feels!  So, if you're the person who keeps using my Marianne and Anita scans, kindly stop. K, thanks.


  1. I've reported them. :)

  2. Wow, really? That's great! Thank you.

  3. i see your pictures everywhere. so whoever took those could very easily have just googled the women and found them there. i realize it probably really sucks to do all that work scanning images, but you also have to realize that other people have done the same, obviously since that multiply site exists. so these "thieves" might not be thieves at all. unless you can somehow tell they are yours, and in that case that really is rude.

  4. Yeah I know what you mean. But on the Marianne page, it's so obvious: she posted a pic of Marianne from the Girl on a Motorcycle like a day or two after I originally posted it on my blog. It's the same exact photo, size everything. And it was from a rare old Japanese clipping, so it's not like someone else randomly scanned that too. Then she posted some pics of Marianne from the We Love You vid right after I posted them too! I know that a lot of the photos on there are mine. Which isn't a big deal...but it's just the pretending they're hers thing that bothers me, ya know?

  5. Well, it's pretty easy to figure out who steals what whenever you're the one who has bought and scanned the photos. I am able to differentiate my scans by the way I crop and edit them. Also, most of these people know what they are doing is wrong - especially when they crop off the watermark/stamp. Finding a photo on Google doesn't make it your property. Netiquette has gone completely down the tubes.

  6. oh i see what you mean. yeah in the case of the Marianne girl, that's just rude. if you KNOW where you got the pic, you should credit them.

  7. Looks like we don't have to worry about them anymore ;)

  8. Yay! I got the emails too. Thanks for helping me take them down! :)

  9. hi I check out your blog from time to time and do appreciate it! It also seems maybe a little ironic that you're upset that people are scraping the phots on your site when often don't credit the photographers whose photos you're using, or their sources. One of the question that arises again and again as a viewer of this site is: Where did she GET these? Without your giving proper credit and acknowledging copyright (if you have obtained copyright permission under the fair use provision of the Copyright Act and/or have paid to license reproduction of these photos) it's easy to understand how people would see the photos here and figure you pulled them from somewhere just as they're doing. I can understand your frustration, and know it would take extra time, but maybe if you're more scrupulous about crediting others who came before you (and therefore actively demonstrating and modeling your respect for others' efforts), people would be more likely to see what they're doing as serious, and "stealing." btw, I'm not one of the people taking your photos and I do really appreciate your hard work and beautiful blog--just wanna know more about how you get these photos and where they are from.

  10. You're right, I totally understand where you're coming from. I'm sure there are a lot of rules regarding copyrights. Think of how many bloggers there are out there and how many of them just find pictures on Google images and post them. So at least I am doing more than that! A lot of what I post is from books, and I agree that I should list the photographer's name and the source. Although sometimes, I scan from clippings and can't find any photog name listed. I tried to put the disclaimer at the bottom of the page, and I include in every post that the photos are scanned by me, so people don't assume I just knicked them from somewhere else. I'll start listing exactly where I got the photos from now on.

  11. Sorry, but unless you own the copyright to these images, you have no right to tell people to stop using them. The act of scanning them doesn't give you ownership. I imagine Anne Liebovitz could use a few bucks these day from the photos that - essentially - you are stealing from her. No offense intended - you have a wonderful collection going here. But I think you need to accept the fact that when you post a photo and don't own the copyright, it's going to start making the rounds, and there's not much you can do. (You may wish to reconsider reporting sites who take these pics off of your site - they could easily do the same to you).
