Friday, November 27, 2009

The Rolling Stones 1975 Tour Of The Americas - Part 1

The Warhol shoot:

Keith holding daughter Angela Dandelion:

Keith and nearly six-year-old Marlon:

A fantastic, rare portrait of Bob Dylan backstage at the Madison Square Garden show, June 22:

Bianca at the New York afterparty with King of Cool, Iggy Pop:

Bianca makes the White House:

July 5, 1975: Fordyce, Arkansas, Ronnie and Keith spruced up for their "dope-bust press conference":

July 9, opening night in Hollywood.  Jann Wenner of Rolling Stone (center) wrote that the concert was "possibly the best Stones concert ever":

Bianca, in a considerbaly more playful mood than she is often afforded to having:

Mick with Lisa Robinson:

Mick on his 32nd birthday, July 26, 1975, the proud Leo celebrating at 31,000 feet.  The Stones are en route to Detroit:

The 1975 Rolling Stones Tour Of The Americas (TOTA) was an epic journey to say the least.  It was a 24-city tour with an audience of over a million people, the first tour of its size ever.  It was even featured in "The Wall Street Journal" for being so record-breaking.  Here are some photos, courtesy of Annie Leibovitz and Christopher Sykes, scanned by me from their 1978 book "The Rolling Stones On Tour".  The (few) pictures of Bianca in the book are fantastic, and many photos are intimate, back stage portraits of Mick, Keith and crew.  I didn't have the energy to scan all of the photos, so we can consider this Part 1.

From the book, text by Terry Southern, "And yet, despite the ultimate and monumental success of the tour, things did not always go smoothly.  The trouble was not so much from within the group (though there were instances of stress and friction, granted) but from the outsiders:  tourist-types, music-lovers, hero-worshippers, souvenir-hunters, run-away-teenies, young ill-informed musicians hoping to replace guitarist Mick Taylor who had recently left the group, and quite unaware, of course, that inside the house, at that very moment, the great Ron Wood was picking a line that would have set Bo Didddley's top a 'tappin'!"

All photos scanned by me.  Source:  The Rolling Stones On Tour (Photos: Annie Leibovitz/Christopher Sykes; Text: Terry Southern).


  1. These are AMAZING! Especially Keith and his little ones, sooo cute. And Bianca looks stunning! Lovelovelove them all, xo.

  2. omg i am in love with every single picture here.

    ps. concerning your post about the Tumblr bitch stealing your pics: i totally agree with you. i have a tumblr thing and saw the Anita one a while ago, but didn't think anything of it until i saw your post. sorry!

  3. Great Website.....a must see for any Rolling Stones Fan......

  4. btw - that's not iggy pop - it's the makeup guy - c. la rouche

  5. Ahhhh... thanks so much for these. I saw the Stones twice on that 1975 tour. The first time was that unforgettable magic Friday night of Jul 11, at Los Angeles' Forum. This is the one, actually, that Jann Wenner wrote was "possibly the best ever," ("L.A. Friday Night," Rolling Stone)

    The other was two weeks later at the Greensboro Cooliseum in North Carolina.

    It was an amazing tour, indeed.

  6. I bet that they really enjoy that kind of tours. I would like to do something like they did.

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