Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Rolling Stones Tour Of The Americas - 1975

The press conference:
Keith and that ubiquitous scarf:
Bianca makes the white house. With Jack Ford:
Mick celebrates his 32nd birthday:
Patti Boyd:
Anita and Keith:
Giant phalluses and elephant security. The Rolling Stones' 1975 tour, called "Tour Of The Americas" (TOTA) was the most epic tour of its kind to date.  It started off with a bang - a "press conference" where the boys played "Brown Sugar" on a flatbed truck rolling through 5th avenue, shocking journalists and the public.  The tour began on June 3 in Texas and culminated on August 8 in Buffalo (despite its name, North America - US and Canada - were the only countries the Stones' played because of security concerns in South America).  Christopher Simmon Sykes and Annie Leibovitz took many photos of the tour, featured in the great book "The Rolling Stones On Tour" (hard to find, but I got a beat-up copy on Amazon last year) and Genesis Publications' epic "Tour Of The Americas '75", which like all of their books, is outrageously expensive (well, maybe not outrageous, but I certainly haven't saved the £350 needed to purchase it).  This tour was the first with Ronnie Wood on guitar for Mick Taylor, who had quit the band, and the camraderie between the Stones (especially Woodie and Keith) was tangible due to his presence.  Bianca and Anita were surprisingly along for (some of) the ride, as well as German stunner Uschi Obermaier (most likely not when Miss B and Angie were around), who was seeing Keith and Mick at the time. Sadly I don't have any scans of Uschi, although I'm sure most of you have seen the pics. 

All photos = my scans.


  1. yippie! these are great-thanks!

  2. Leith!

    Absolutely fantastic! Just when I think you can't out DO yourself.

    Firstly, it's great to have -photographic evidence- that yes, indeed there was 'more' to the 70's than 'just' disco!? The boys, hell, everyone looks to be in full swing. Also noteworthy how stark and even barren the hotel rooms from that era appear? Life really 'was' simpler then.

    Anyone know if there's a DVD out from that tour? ( Bootleg or 'otherwise'? ) I have the one from the '72 Tour but after seeing these it now seems "tame" in comparison.

    Sadly it looks like Annie Leibowitz got taken in by the bubble and is now selling off her work to stay afloat. Maybe we 'will' be able to pick up some of those on the cheap? Thanks again Leith!

    Matt D

  3. My birthday was on the 8th! Thanks so much for this wonderful present! :)

  4. Great, great, great! Thank you for posting these photos, I just love this Stones tour!
    Yes there's a bootleg dvd of this tour, called L.A Forum. It's a great show! :D

  5. Awesome post! Some great photos in there. Half of which were of Mick, "the rock star" -- jumping, posing, dressing up, strutting etc. Seemed that tour in particular was all about the spectacle.

  6. I am beginning to doubt your authenticity since I found a site with all of these EXACT photos which were posted back in August of 2008. Don't get me wrong, your blog is fucking amazing, I can't get enough of it. But you say all these images are scanned by you... where did you scan them from? I only question it because if I'm going to give credit to who they belong to, I'd like to give the right person credit.

  7. Hi! Just now noticed this comment. YES, believe me, I scanned these all myself and it took FOREVER. They are all from a book called "The Rolling Stones On Tour", published in 1978 by Annie Leibovitz and Chistopher Sykes.

  8. ACtually, I should edit my previous statement: not EVERY photo is from there. The Stones "press conference" pics are from various Stones books and a magazine/little book published in 1975 by Rolling Stone magazine simply called "The Rolling Stones". Also, some of the pics of Bianca Jagger on the tour are from 1975 issues of Rock Scene magazine. Could you provide a link to this site? There's no possible way that the person could have posted these exact same photos, since they aren't all from the Leibovitz book (but most are). I pride myself on ONLY posting photos that I personally scan on this blog (at least, I have been for a whole year). And if I post a photo that I haven't bought or scanned, I'll say so.

  9. Great photos- I'm about to publish a set of B&W I took at the fort Collins show on July 19, 1975. This was the only show in the rockies- surprising. I was very disappointed that Keef only devoted 1 page to the 1975 tour. Annie Liebowitz was at the show in Ft Collins- Warm up bands were Charlie Daniels and Chakka Khan. I think a lot of the photos you show were shot by Liebowitz.(mine have never been released). At that show Elton John played piano, and Billy Preston. Preston was convicted of molesting a boy in Dallas around 1985, pretty much ending his career. GReat work- thanks, a lot of history from one so young. Don't be in a hurry to grow up- it's only rock n roll.

  10. Simply put..Bravo! People forget that,
    due to their own wealth, the money they generated for so many various entity's that the were allowed to be and remain on the cutting edge of many formats and technology's etc.. when it comes to touring/presentation.
    AND that even though by 1975 they had "only" been REALLY famous for 10 years, ( and yes I KNOW that the had been doin' the deal as a band for longer then that but I'm talkin' worldwide, super fricken stars famous), that ALOT had gone down in that short period of time. IE: members dyeing,members quieting, audencie mebers being killed, arrests, death threats addictions,becoming "tax exiles", , mangament shakeups, lawsuits, loss of rights to ownership of material, record label changes/shakeups and on and to mention ego's and rivelerys and pettiness and showbix B.S. PLUS you had them being written off as "old hat at least five or six times in this period.
    For them to even be able to do ANYTHING, ( and their "anything"s are what so many many bands based their whole careers on..)and do it not only well but with the right touch of decadence and danger was and is amazing.
    I was around 15 when I was introduced/initiated/indoctrunated into and onto them thru 'Love You Live" and life has never been the same since. ;)
    and for Matt D.
    ** And no I don't promote nor believe in pirating or theft but hey the brotha' asked..;)**

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  14. Wow Awesome pics, thanks for all your hard work scanning them and sharing them with us. I really enjoyed viewing them as many were new to me. I especially loved the ones of Mic and Billy Preston getting frisky onstage (hot! hot! hot!) and the ones where it looks like Keith is searching for his 'stash' lol.

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  17. I attended their Cleveland stop. It was unbelievable
