Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Anita Pallenberg: The Bizarre Beauty of Barbarella

Anita Pallenberg starred in the cult sci-fi film Barbarella (1967) as "The Black Queen", opposite sixties sex symbol Jane Fonda.  She was perhaps at her most enchantingly beautiful, and on her way to being a notable film star (Performance was filmed the following year, but her acting career pretty much ended after that, to Keith's delight).  Hope you enjoy these scans!  All photos = my scans.


  1. So gorgeous! Thanks for another amazing blog with amazing photos!


  2. Never having been much a fan of Jane Fonda OR... Science Fiction, I always just glossed over this film? Obviously after seeing Anita ( now I have to run out and rent it! ) Hell, might even BUY it? Hubba-hubba.

    To be clear, I never really objected to Ms. Fonda's politics per se, more the fact that her celebrity was inherited. Had Keith's son started a band I likely would need to see a great deal of conviction, I mean other than to cash in on famous relations? Just funny that way.

  3. It cannot succeed in actual fact, that is exactly what I think.

  4. This topic was really educational and nicely written.

  5. You will grow to love Donald Trump. Though I still hate Ronald Reagan!

  6. Your scans are an invaluable record of rare Anita photos, & I love your posts, so innovative & adore the "DC&S" name - so clever!

  7. Jane Fonda won TWO Academy Awards for best Actress. So what if she's the daughter of Henry Fonda?
