Thursday, March 10, 2011

Brown Sugar

My scans of former Jagger girlfriend, Marsha Hunt. He dated her while dating Marianne (classic Mick!) and wrote the song "Brown Sugar" in part because of her. She was a strong, powerful woman who bore his daughter, Karis, even though Mick denied paternity for years.  Please credit if you repost these pics!
Marsha at the Rolling Stones' free concert at Hyde Park, July 1969. Mick went to the gig with Marianne, but left with Marsha:
A photo of Marsha published in Vogue in 1968 when she was filming hair:
all photos = my scans


  1. Thank you so much for these Marsha Hunt images I had never seen before... I just recently did a post on Marsha hunt and trying to find varying pictures was difficult as she isn't widely known, so I can really appreciate your scans!

  2. I can't believe he denied paternity, she looks so much like him!

    Thanks for these great images!

  3. I can't believe he denied paternity, she looks so much like him!

    Thanks for these great images!

  4. @Lena I know right? Mick's lucky this happened before the internet and cable news, otherwise he would have NEVER gotten away with that today

  5. how could mick deny paternity of that baby? haha it looks just like him

  6. A lot of helpful data for myself!

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  8. first discovered Marsha in the Hammer Horror Dracula AD72. liked her so much i had to find out more about her. now have some of her songs, great blog. pics i have never seen before. please post more pics
