Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Love Is The Drug

The rest of my recent-ish scans of supermodel Jerry Hall and debonair rock star, Bryan Ferry, one of the 70's most It-Couples indeed.  They met after Bryan saw her in a magazine and wanted her for the cover of Roxy Music's album, Siren.  It was the summer of 1975, and they came face to face for the first time at Heathrow, where Jerry had flown to for the cover shoot. Bryan picked her up in his Daimler and took her to the Portobello Hotel, where she was staying. They went to a luxurious dinner with designer Anthony Price, and Jerry found Bryan shy, gorgeous, and irresistibly charming. The next morning, they took the train to Wales for the shoot. The chemistry between them was tangible, and Bryan invited Jerry to spend the rest of her time in the UK over at his London flat.  "During the couple of days I spent with him, Bryan and I fell for one another. I was 19 and he was 30 and we both felt we'd found what we were looking for in someone else. We laughed a lot, talked over wonderful dinners, and promised to stay in touch." They did, and he flew to see her in New York, and then she to him in London again, and they spent Christmas of 1975 together. Bryan proposed after those few holiday weeks, and Jerry moved to London to be with him.  We all know what happened a couple of years later (when Jerry left him for Mick), but what a pretty pair they were...
all photos = my scans. please credit if you repost. thanks.


  1. Really? No one has anything to say about the would-be Jerry Ferry?

  2. They were a good looking couple. Bryan Ferry was sexy. I wonder if she would have been happier if she stayed with him. He proposed after only a few dates and Mick Jagger dragged his heels about getting married to her. Bryan fell in love from seeing her pic, must have been hard for him to see her constantly humiliated by Jagger.

    1. What d'you mean...? He didn't even really marry her!! It was later revealed their marriage wasn't even valid! I have never really understood what ever possessed Ferry to fall for someone like her, he deserved so much better--I mean, in terms of person quality; I guess physically she would have represented the ideal woman for most guys...yet wash all her make up off, go to Texas and you would find millions of women like her walking around. An extremely sensual woman I have to give you she was, but really other than that I frankly think there hasn't really ever been that much more there.

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